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Talks by Guest Speakers
From time to time we have been lucky to have had guest teachers from various traditions talk to us during our Zen sesshins via Zoom.
Jose Ramirez, JDPSN   Jose is a co-guiding teacher at the Providence Zen Center in Cumberland, RI. The PZC is of the Kwan Um School of Zen in the Korean tradition. The following talk includes a question and answer session.
Intentionality and Breath
00:00 / 28:34
Fr. Michael Holleran, Sensei  Fr. Michael is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York serving at the Church of Notre Dame at Columbia University. He also runs Dragon's Eye Zendo at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi in midtown Manhattan. In his talk he explains: "If you die before you die, you won't die when you die."
The Dimensions of Death 04/09/22
00:00 / 18:41
Roshi Charles Birx  Charles with his wife, Ellen, are co-founders of New River Zen Community in Blacksburg, Virginia. Charles and Ellen frequently speak at Zen retreats, conferences, and at community organizations locally and across the country. He is in the White Plum lineage.
Zazen- Realizing Your Original Face 05/14/22
00:00 / 13:05
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