What's Happening?
All of the events listed are online via Zoom or both when we meet in person.
If you would like to join us, or be put on our emailing list please contact us at: info@daystarzendo.org
Every Wednesday evening we gather for zazen on Zoom at 6:30 PM ET. Our sitting period is for about 25 minutes. This is followed most weeks by a short teisho (talk) given by one of our teachers. We then have a short closing period using a chant from our chant book.
Every Morning at 8:00 we have a half hour zazen period via Zoom, except when we have a book discussion or Zazenkai. That is usually twice a month, so please check the schedule below. It's a great way to begin your day.
Once a month at 9:00 on Saturdays we have a short zazen period followed by a book discussion.
January 11th: Book Discussion at 9:00. We will be continuing our discussin of The Oher Shore by Thich Nhat Hanh, chapters 11, 12, and 13. As usual, we will begin with a sit, followed by the discussion. The Saturday sit at 8:00 will not be held.
Next Book Discussion date: February 8th.
Next Zazenkai (Zoom Only): January 25th.