Contact Us
Because the Covid-19 pandemic put gatherings of people on hold, we have become an on line sangha (community). If you would like to join us on line during our Zoom sessions, please email us at the address below. You will be in direct contact with one of our teachers.
Also, if you have any questions regarding your Zen practice or would just like to find out more information about us, you are welcome to contact her.
Day Star Zendo is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a non-profit body. Thus, any donations are fully tax deductible. Your donation goes to keeping our sangha functioning, especially the web site you see now. When we can meet in person again, we will have weekend retreats (seshins) that need help especially for those who may not have the income to attend.
Please make checks payable to: Day Star Zendo.
Day Star Zendo
2 Standish Ave East
Kingston, MA 02364